Joker's origin stories

The best criminal mastermind, the joker has many origin stories. And today, we are going to discuss him.

1.The man behind the red hood(most common story)

This story is from batman vol.1#168. This comic wrote by Bill's finger.
Batman and robin invited to teach criminology for Gotham university students.
Over a month batman decided to give a real case to students about the red hood.
After students investigations that the Red Hood decided to steal one million dollars from the Monarch Playing Card Company, but was thought to have been killed after jumping into a basin of the company's chemicals following a confrontation with Batman.
But the real story is, He survived but was left with his trademark green hair, chalk-white skin, and red lips. After the accident, he thought its a batman's mistake. Then he starts to revenge from Batman by dedicating his life. And he became the joker.

2.The killing joke

This story is from Batman, the killing joke in 1988, written by Alan Moore.

An engineer worked at a chemical company, and he quits his job to become a comedian. But he failed. At that time, His wife was pregnant, and he needs some money for her. Then he agrees to guide two criminals through the chemical plant where he previously worked. But during the planning his wife has died in a household accident .the engineer tries to withdraw from the plan, but the criminals strong-arm him into keeping his commitment to them.
Once inside, they encounter security personnel, a shootout ensues, and the two criminals are killed. The engineer is confronted by Batman, who is investigating the disturbance. The engineer scared and jumped to the chemical tank. The chemicals have permanently bleached his skin chalk-white, stained his lips ruby-red, and dyed his hair bright green. The engineer lost his family and became a freak. He becomes the joker.

3.Bat man movie

This story from batman movie 1989. This movie directed by Timm burton.
In this story, the joker was a gangster named Jack Napier. And also he was the killer of bruse's parents.
And he was the second in command of mob boss Carl Grissom.With the help of corrupt police lieutenant Max Eckhardt, Grissom engineers Napier's death in a raid at Axis Chemicals. However, Grissom's plan is foiled with the sudden arrival of Commissioner Gordon, who wants Napier captured alive. In the ensuing shootout, Napier, who has realized he was set up, kills Eckhardt. Batman arrives, and, in a struggle, Napier is knocked into a vat of chemicals. Batman escapes, and Napier is presumed dead.
Napier emerges from the vat but is left disfigured with chalk-white skin, emerald green hair, and a rictus grin. The sociopathic Napier is driven insane by the incident and begins calling himself "the Joker." and the mad men

This story is from batman confidential #7-12 (2007-2008). This is written by andy Diggle.
One year after Batman starts his war, bruce starts a relationship with Lorna shore. A man named Jack, who was a waiter, start a carrier in criminal. He robs a bank .and during the rob batman and police arrive. Jack leaves a note for Batman thanking to make his day.
Over the next weeks, Jack commits random crimes to draw out Batman and observes from a distance Batman's frustration with being unable to capture him.
At this time, Lorna made a new computer to calculate Jack's next crime. When Batman arrives and interrupts the theft, Jack takes Lorna as a hostage. Jack draws a knife and slashes Lorna across her midsection before attempting to flee. In a fit of rage, Batman flings a Batarang at Jack. It cuts him on both sides of his jaw, giving Jack a Glasgow smile. Batman takes Lorna to the hospital, where she is in critical condition.

After Batman got mad and he called a jack's enemy and informed Jack's location. This enemy, Malatesta, beat him, but he manages to escape and fight them before falling into an empty chemical vat.

Jack is disappointed to have still survived his fall. A goon tries to shoot Jack, but the bullet hits a massive container of anti-psychotics above them, flooding the vat. Batman arrives but believes Jack is dead. Believing he is about to die, Jack wishes he could see Batman one last time. He happens to see a drainpipe, leading him to a lake outside the factory. Jack emerges from the water with green hair, bleached skin, red lips, and his brown suit dyed purple. He begins to laugh at the joke that the world is playing on him, and becomes the joker.

5.The house of hush

This story is from batman street of gotham #14-21(2010-2011)
It has written by paul dini.
In this story martha works as a aid at a cilinic.There, she regularly looks over Sonny, a young boy in foster care who suffers frequent abuse from others.
A criminal named sallie guzzo kidnaped this kid and he keeps sony as his aide in his home ,abusing and molesting the boy. The many years later joker killed this ganster repeating words the mobster once told Sonny.

For more things about joker-
1.the man who pissed off bat man
2.three jokers jokers comic ranking jorker movies

SouresA criminal named sallie guzzo kidnaped this kid and he keeps sony as his aide in his home ,abusing and molesting the boy. The many years later joker killed this ganster repeating words the mobster once told Sonny. 

Joker's origin stories Joker's origin stories Reviewed by Monster on April 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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