Who is Shazam also known as Caption Marvel

"Billy Batson, I choose you as a champion. Say my name so my powers may flow through you " ( from the shazam movie 2019 ). These words change William Joseph Batson, also known as Billy Batson's life.who is Billy Batson? What are these words? Who says these words? I know you have any questions. I will explain all.

Today I am talking about the strongest and mightiest man in the world, or we can say he is the protector of Fawcett City .captain marvel, also known as Shazam, is a very popular superhero in DC comic universe. This character created by C.C.Beck and Bill Parker in 1939. Captain Marvel first appeared in Whiz Comics #2 in 1940. After the reboot of the DC Comic Universe in 2011. So this character was renamed shazam. Then shazam was re-introduced in Justice League ( Volume 2 ) #7 in 2012. So somehow captain marvel change name as shazam. Dc and Marvel Comic universe have many captain marvel and shazam version. I will talk to another captain Marvel and shazam version in the next post. Today I am talking about the prime Earth version of shazam.

However, Billy Batson's story was Started the same way. Loving family. Billy, his sister Mary and his parent's archaeologists C. C. and Marylin Batson lived happily. One day billy faced an unfortunate incident. His parents were killed by their treacherous assistant Theo Adam. Theo Adam also kidnapped Billy's sister. He ends up missing. Billy was separated from his sister following the kill of their parents. He left in the care of their father's half brother uncle Ebenezer because He stole the youth's trust fund money, which had been set aside for Billy's care and welfare. So billy left homeless and penniless. He threw a sorrowful existence, and he started selling newspapers. So he was a newsboy in Fawcett City. He chose to sleep for subway terminals.

One night, came a mysterious stranger. Billy revealed later to be the Spirit of Billy's father. Father accompanied billy to deep into the subway tunnels. Billy found a marvelous beautiful train decorated in mystic runes and hieroglyphics. The train was ridden deep into the bowels of the earth. End of the journey, the train was stopped in a cavern that held statues epitomizing the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man. ( I will explain later"the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man " in the next post ) Then billy met the ancient wizard Shazam in the cavern. Billy was surprised.He is thousands of years age man. He sat on a throne poised beneath a giant stone block suspended above him as if by magic.

Then wizard Shazam said, " Billy Batson, I choose you as a champion. Say my name so my powers may flow through you ". This name of shazam was made an acronym for various legendary figures.
There are
  S - for the wisdom of Solomon
  H - for the strength of Hercules
  A - for the stamina of Atlas
  Z - for the power of Zeus
  A - for the courage of Achilles
  M - for the speed of Mercury

Then wizard Shazam ordered Billy to speak his name. Billy said, " Shazam," and he was immediately struck by a magic lightning bolt. Then billy was turned an adult superhero of captain marvel. Then he speaks the word again to be changed back into billy. So he learned that he has only to speak the word to change character billy or shazam.

This is the Origin of shazam. After origin, we have to talk about many things about shazam. Shazam has many powers and abilities. He has abilities of six legendary figures( Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, Mercury)
I have many things to talk about shazam powers and abilities. If I talk it (shazam powers and abilities) now, this post extends a lot. So I will talk about shazam powers and abilities in the next post. So you have to be a small patient's time.

Next, shazam has countless enemies. Of these, most popular Doctor Sivana, Black Adam, and Mister Mind. He has many friends. Most famous his sister mary Marvel and Captain Marvel Jr, forming the Marvel Family. He is a member of many superhero teams. There is Justice League of America,
Justice Society of America, Squadron of Justice, and Marvel family. He fought many enemies, gods, and superheroes. Including the most powerful enemy of DC comic universe Darkseid, you have to know marvel supervillain Thanos, marvel superhero Thor, gods Hercules, etc. I have to talk about many things now about shazam enemies Doctor Sivana, Black Adam, Mister Mind and superhero team, shazam greatest fight. Don't worry. I will talk all .so I haven't time to talk to another Comic character. However, I will manage it.

 Shazam's new movies released on 5th April, and this movie is showing now. If you still do not watch movies, watch quickly. This is a great comedy superhero movie. But this movie has a different shazam version. I will talk about this version before. I stop now. we will meet again with a new post

😊😊😊😊😊 Good luck. 😊😊😊😊😊

  😎😎😎😎😎   ĐŚ.   😎😎😎😎😎

Source:- wiki and Wikipedia
Who is Shazam also known as Caption Marvel Who is Shazam also known as Caption Marvel Reviewed by ĐŚ on April 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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